ENGLISH to Nepali Typing

Word Count: 0 Character Count (excluding spaces): 0 Character Count (including spaces): 0
Online English to malyalamTyping

This segment of our website, Typing Only, is designed for effortless online English to Nepali typing. You have the convenience to input content in English, and it will seamlessly transform or transliterate into the Nepali language. Nepali belongs to the Indo-Aryan language family, specifically the Eastern Pahari sub-branch. It holds the status of the official language of Nepal and is recognized as one of the 22 official languages of India, boasting around 16 million native speakers globally.

As an illustration, when you enter "Janmadinko shubhkamana" in the Nepali conversion box, it will automatically transform into "जन्मदिनको शुभकामना" upon pressing the "space bar".

When you enter the " | " pipe symbol (using Shift + \ key) in the Nepali Conversion box, it will be replaced with the " । " symbol, representing the Purna Viram (full stop) in Nepali.

Suggestions for Words and Characters

You have the option to switch between Word Suggestions and Character Suggestions. In Word Suggestions mode, suggestions appear after you type an entire word and release the space bar. On the other hand, in Character Suggestions, you begin receiving suggestions as soon as you commence typing in Nepali.

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You also have the option to download everything you've typed on your PC as either a Notepad text file or a Word document file. Simply click the button below the Nepali text area.

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Information Regarding the Nepali Language

The Nepali language belongs to the Indo-European family of languages. It holds the status of the official language in Sikkim and the Darjeeling region of West Bengal, India, and serves as the lingua franca in Nepal. Additionally, various regions in Bhutan, India, and Burma, including Uttaranchal and Assam, also use Nepali. Known by different names such as Nepalese, Gorkhali, Gurkhali, among others, the language boasts a rich cultural history and is the primary language of the Nepali Gorkhas. It is also referred to as Khas Kura, reflecting its association with the language of the ancient Khasa kingdom.

Nepali is expressed using the Devanagari script and belongs to the Pahari language family. Being a fusion of Tibeto-Burman languages, it is spoken in neighboring nations like Burma and Bhutan. Having originated from Sanskrit, Nepali exhibits considerable similarity to Hindi, the official language of India. The initial written form of Nepali utilized the Devanagari alphabet, derived from the Brahmi script, emerging in the 12th century A.D. (11th century A.D.).

Approximately two-thirds of Nepal's population communicates in the Nepali language, which serves as both the mother tongue and a commonly used language employed by the government. While Nepali is predominantly utilized in various contexts, including the legal system, there are also Nepali speakers in Bhutan, particularly among those residing in refugee camps in eastern Nepal.

This exceptional Nepalese language boasts its own rich literary heritage. Sundarananda Bara penned the Adhyatma Ramayana in Nepali during the late nineteenth century, while Bhanubhakta authored another rendition. Additionally, a compact collection of Nepali folk stories known as Birsikka was compiled. The translation of numerous Sanskrit words played a crucial role in enriching the language. OutsourcingTranslation is a trusted choice for many global enterprises seeking professional translation, interpretation, and transcription services. Our distinctiveness in the translation service market lies in our unwavering commitment to delivering high-quality work within shorter timeframes and at competitive rates.