ENGLISH to Arabic Typing

Word Count: 0 Character Count (excluding spaces): 0 Character Count (including spaces): 0
Type in English and Convert to Arabic Online

This segment on our website, exclusively for typing, offers a free online English to Arabic typing service. Input your text in English, and it will be automatically converted or transliterated into the Arabic language. Arabic, a Semitic language, has left a significant impact on various languages globally over the course of its history. Some of the languages profoundly influenced by Arabic include Persian, Turkish, Azeri, Armenian, Urdu, Pashto, and more.

As an illustration, entering "shokran jazeelan" in the Arabic Conversion box will automatically transform it into " شكرا جزيلا" upon pressing the "space bar".

You can perform actions such as copying, deleting, printing, and sharing on Twitter or WhatsApp by clicking on the respective buttons.

Symbols with Special Significance

Feel free to include special characters and symbols like "Bismillah," "Allah," "Jalallah," or "Durood Sharif" in your content.

Save as Text & Document File

You have the option to download the content you've entered on your computer as either a Notepad text file or a Word document file. Simply click the button located beneath the Arabic text area.

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Regarding the Arabic Language

Arabic stands as a widely spoken language within the Arab community, particularly prevalent in the Middle East and North Africa. It holds significance as the primary language within the Semitic language group, including Hebrew and Aramaic (Zeina, 2008). Approximately 280 million individuals use Arabic as their first language, with an additional 250 million using it as a secondary language. Despite the existence of various dialects, Arabic can be broadly categorized into three types: classical, contemporary standard, and colloquial. The first type, classical Arabic, is the language of the Holy Quran, employed by Muslims worldwide during prayers or Quranic reading, even if they may not fully comprehend the content.

Contemporary Standard Arabic, in contrast, is a descendant of Classical Arabic and finds frequent application in formal environments like educational institutions, courts, government offices, and the media. In the context of the latter, it is extensively utilized in day-to-day interactions among individuals. Arabic holds significant importance for numerous nations, ranking among the top six languages. It serves as the official language in twenty-two countries, with 1.1 million Americans proficient in Arabic, and a global Arabic-speaking population of 200 million people. This language is prevalent among the Muslim community. Arabic, a Semitic language, originated in the Arabian Peninsula and expanded its influence across North Africa and Western Asia with the growth of the Muslim world.

The Arabic language stands out with its unique system, comprising a total of 28 letters. Among them, 25 function as consonants, while the remaining three serve as vowels. Unlike some languages, Arabic does not have uppercase and lowercase letters. Additionally, it possesses a distinctive style as it is read and written from right to left. Arabic shares certain similarities with various languages, including Hebrew, English, Spanish, Sicilian, and other European languages. Languages often exchange vocabulary, and Arabic, in particular, has borrowed words from English and other languages, reciprocated by these languages borrowing from Arabic.